In early March 2024, the EU lawmakers reached agreement on the European Health Data Space (EHDS).  For now, we only have a work-in-progress draft version of the text, but a number of interesting points can already be highlighted.  This article focusses on the obligations of data holders; for an overview of the EHDS generally, see our first post in this series.

We expect the final text of the EHDS to be adopted by the European Parliament in April 2024 and by the EU Member States shortly thereafter.

Continue Reading EHDS Series – 2: The European Health Data Space from the Health Data Holder’s Perspective

In early March 2024, the EU lawmakers reached agreement on the European Health Data Space (EHDS).  For now, we only have a work-in-progress draft version of the text, but a number of interesting points can already be highlighted.

We expect the final text of the EHDS to be adopted by the European Parliament in April 2024 and by the EU Member States shortly thereafter.

Continue Reading EHDS Series – 1: Five Key Take Aways on Secondary Use of Health Data

On March 15, 2024, FDA’s medical product centers – CBER, CDER, and CDRH – along with the Office of Combination Products (OCP) published a paper outlining their key areas of focus for the development and use of artificial intelligence (AI) across the medical product life cycle.  The paper, entitled “Artificial Intelligence & Medical Products: How CBER, CDER, CDRH, and OCP are Working Together,” is intended by the Agency to “provide greater transparency regarding how FDA’s medical product Centers are collaborating to safeguard public health while fostering responsible and ethical innovation.”  The FDA paper is the latest in series of informal statements from the Agency about the use of AI in the discovery, development, manufacturing, and commercialization of medical products, as well as for medical devices that incorporate AI.  Here are five key takeaways from FDA’s recent paper.

  1. The Centers continue to emphasize a risk-based regulatory framework for AI that builds upon existing FDA initiatives.

Consistent with FDA’s longstanding approach to regulation of medical products, FDA’s paper recognizes the value of a risk-based approach for regulating AI that the Agency oversees.  The paper highlights how “AI management requires a risk-based regulatory framework built on robust principles, standards, best practices, and state-of-the-art regulatory science tools that can be applied across AI applications and be tailored to the relevant medical product” and, to the extent feasible, “can be applied across various medical products and uses within the health care delivery system.”

As part of this risk-based approach, the Centers also plan to leverage and continue building upon existing FDA initiatives for the evaluation and regulation of AI used in medical products, including FDA’s May 2023 Discussion Paper on Using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in the Development of Drug and Biological Products, the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) Framework for Regulatory Advanced Manufacturing Evaluation (FRAME) Initiative, and the Center for Devices & Radiological Health (CDRH) January 2021 AI/ML-Based Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) Action Plan.   

  1. FDA plans to release several AI guidance documents this year, providing an opportunity for engagement.

The paper notes that the Centers intend to develop policies that provide regulatory predictability and clarity for the use of AI, while also supporting innovation.  Planned FDA guidance documents include:

  • Draft guidance on life cycle management considerations and premarket submission recommendations for AI-enabled device software functions.  As background, in June 2023, FDA released a final guidance entitled “Content of Premarket Submissions for Device Software Functions.”  The title of the proposed draft guidance on CDRH’s guidance agenda suggests that the Agency’s premarket submission recommendations may differ for AI-enabled device software functions, and it is likely that the new draft guidance will directly address novel premarket submission issues raised by incorporating AI into device software functions.
  • Draft guidance on considerations for the use of AI to support regulatory decision-making for drugs and biological products.  The title of this planned draft guidance is similar to FDA’s August 2023 final guidance entitled “Considerations for the Use of Real-World Data and Real-World Evidence to Support Regulatory Decision-Making for Drug and Biological Products,” which focused on RWD/E and did not discuss AI.  The planned draft guidance on CDER’s guidance agenda may provide additional insights on the use of AI in RWE studies.  FDA also has previously given attention to internal infrastructure needed to assess regulatory submissions that include data from Digital Health Technologies (DHTs).  For example, in March 2023 the Agency issued a Framework for the Use of DHTs in Drug and Biological Product Development that stated FDA plans to “enhance its IT capabilities to support the review of DHT-generated data,” including by establishing “a secure cloud technology to enhance its infrastructure and analytics environment that will enable FDA to effectively receive, aggregate, store, and process large volumes of data.”  The new proposed draft guidance could build upon the themes outlined in this framework, with a specific focus on AI.
  • Final guidance on marking submission recommendations for predetermined change control plans for AI-enabled medical device software functions.  FDA plans to finalize the Agency’s April 2023 draft guidance on predetermined change control plans (PCCPs).  PCCPs describe planned changes that may be made to a device that otherwise would require premarket review by the Agency, facilitating iterative improvements through modifications to an AI- or machine learning-enabled device while continuing to provide a reasonable assurance of device safety and effectiveness.  The final guidance likely will incorporate or address any feedback the Agency has received on the draft guidance and may also address real-world challenges the Agency has faced or “lessons learned” from reviewing submitted PCCPs to date.

The publication of these guidance documents will open the door for public comments and additional engagement opportunities, and life sciences and medical device companies should consider submitting comments. 

  1. Mitigating bias continues to be a front-burner issue.

Mitigating bias and discrimination continues to be top-of-mind at FDA.  The paper highlights several demonstration projects and initiatives the Centers plan to support in an effort to identify and reduce the risk of biases in AI tools, including:

  • Regulatory science efforts to develop methodology for evaluating AI algorithms, identifying and mitigating bias, and ensuring the robustness and resilience of AI algorithms to withstand changing clinical inputs and conditions.
  • Demonstration projects that (1) highlight different points where bias can be introduced in the AI development life cycle and how it can be addressed, including through risk management; and (2) consider health inequities associated with the use of AI in medical product development to promote equity and ensure data representativeness, leveraging ongoing diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts.
  • Best practices for documenting and ensuring that data used to train and test AI models are fit for use, including adequately representing the target population.
  • Considerations for evaluating the safe, responsible, and ethical use of AI in the medical product life cycle.

These actions align with the Agency’s overarching efforts to develop methodologies for identification and elimination of bias, as well as President Biden’s October 2023 AI Executive Order that called for federal guidance and resources on the incorporation of equity principles in AI-enabled technologies used in the health sector, the use of disaggregated data on affected populations and representative population data sets when developing new models, and the monitoring of algorithmic performance against discrimination and bias.

  1. The paper focuses on the total product life cycle.

The Centers intend to support various projects and initiatives centered around performance monitoring and ensuring reliability throughout the total product life cycle.  Specifically, the Centers intend to support:

  • Demonstration projects that support the ongoing monitoring of AI tools to ensure adherence to standards and that the tools maintain performance and reliability throughout their life cycle. 
  • A framework and strategy for quality assurance of AI-enabled tools or systems used in the medical product life cycle, which emphasize continued monitoring and mitigation of risks. 
  • Best practices for long-term safety and real-world performance monitoring of AI-enabled medical products.
  • Educational initiatives for regulatory bodies, health care professional, patients, researchers, and industry as they navigate the safe and responsible use of AI in medical product development and in medical products.

Real-world performance monitoring and ensuring quality throughout the total product life cycle has been a hot topic for some time.  For example, President Biden’s AI Executive Order directed the formation of an AI Task Force to, in part, identify guidance and resources on long-term and real-world performance monitoring of AI technologies in the health sector, including “clinically relevant or significant modifications and performance across population groups, with a means to communicate product updates to regulators, developers, and users.”  Stakeholders have asked FDA for clarity on best practices for real-world performance monitoring for AI/ML-based software in the past, and FDA’s 2021 AI Action Plan stated that the Agency would support the piloting of real-world performance monitoring by working with stakeholders on a voluntary basis and developing frameworks for gathering and utilizing real-world performance metrics as well as thresholds and performance evaluations for the metrics.  Additionally, FDA’s May 2023 AI Discussion Paper expressed the importance of evaluating AI/ML models over time to consider the model risk and credibility, and solicited feedback on examples of best practices being used by stakeholders to monitor AI/ML models.  FDA’s collaborations with stakeholders on these efforts over the past years could inform future guidance.

  1. The paper emphasizes the importance of collaboration and international harmonization.

The paper highlights the importance of the Centers’ current collaboration with a variety of stakeholders, including developers, patient groups, academia, and global regulators, in cultivating a patient-centered regulatory approach that emphasizes collaboration and health equity.  The paper notes the Centers’ intent to continue fostering these collaborative partnerships, including by continuing to solicit input from interested parties on “critical aspects” of the use of AI in medical products such as transparency, explainability, governance, bias, cybersecurity, and quality assurance. 

Perhaps in an effort to facilitate collaboration with various stakeholders, the Director of FDA’s Digital Health Center of Excellence, Troy Tazbaz, recently joined the Board of Directors for the Coalition for Health AI.  He joins Micky Tripathi, National Coordinator for Health Information Technology within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and several other representatives from academia, industry, and medical centers.  Tazbaz and Tripathi also will serve on CHAI’s “Government Advisory Board” along with Melanie Fontes Rainer, director of the Office for Civil Rights within HHS, and several other representatives from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, the Veterans Health Administration, and the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health.

The paper also notes the Centers’ intention to continue to work closely with global collaborators to “promote international cooperation on standards, guidelines, and best practices to encourage consistency and convergence in the use and evaluation of AI across the medical product landscape.”  FDA has collaborated with Health Canada and UK’s MHRA in the past to develop guiding principles for Good Machine Learning Practices and PCCPs for machine learning-enabled medical devices.  Also, recently, FDA took a step toward international harmonization by issuing a proposed rule to amend the Quality System Regulation to incorporate by reference international standard ISO 13485.  These actions indicate that regulators are working towards a united front through close alignment on best practices and standards.

Looking Ahead

We expect to see many more policies, frameworks, guidance documents, and initiatives centered around AI in the coming months.  It remains to be seen, however, how FDA’s approach to AI will intersect with broader efforts to regulate AI.  For example, emerging proposals to regulate AI could potentially apply to AI that also is regulated by FDA, but few address the overlap with FDA’s existing medical product authorities.  For instance, some proposals focus on types of AI technologies (e.g., requirements to label all content generated by generative AI regardless of the intended use), whereas other approaches take a sector-specific approach and recognize that FDA’s existing regulatory frameworks already govern certain uses of AI (e.g., Senator Cassidy’s white paper on the deployment of AI in healthcare settings, which disfavored a one-size-fits-all approach to AI regulation and instead called for the leveraging of existing frameworks). 

But even sector-specific approaches may result in regulatory requirements that overlap with FDA requirements for FDA-regulated AI.  For example, in January 2024, HHS’s ONC published a final rule revising the certification requirements for health IT developers, which included requirements for AI-based “predictive decision support interventions” enabled by or interfacing with health IT.  Many predictive decision support interventions under the ONC final rule may also be FDA-regulated medical devices.  While ONC stated that it collaborated with FDA to maximize alignment, ultimately, developers of medical device software that also is a predictive decision support intervention will need to assess compliance with both FDA’s and ONC’s requirements.

In short, it will be critical to monitor developments and craft engagement strategies as policy-makers continue to collaborate and draw new lines around AI regulation.

On March 11, 2024, the UK Government published its response (“Government Response”) to an independent review on equity in medical devices commissioned by the Department of Health and Social Care (“Review”).  The Government Response is not guidance nor policy rather it is intended to act as an action plan for tackling potential bias in the design and use of medical devices.  The Government Response fully accepts, and in turn makes a series of commitments in response to, the findings of the Review (which is broken down into 18 recommendations, 51 sub-recommendations, and 3 further calls to action).  Importantly, the Government “wholeheartedly agrees…that medical technology should be unbiased and equitable.” 

Bias in the medical device space, and within healthcare more broadly is (quite rightly) a topic of growing importance to governments, regulators and industry alike.  We set out some key points of interest from both the Review and the Government Response below.  We look forward to seeing more developments and guidance in this area going forwards given its significance to patients and the delivery of healthcare.  

Continue Reading UK Government Outlines New Action to Tackle Biases in Medical Devices

Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA), the Ranking Member of the U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (“HELP”) Committee, published on February 21, 2024, a white paper with various proposals to update privacy protections for health data. In Part 1 of this blog series (see here), we discussed the first section of Senator Cassidy’s February 21, 2024, white paper. Specifically, we summarized Senator Cassidy’s proposals on how to update the existing framework of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, as amended, and its implementing regulations (collectively, “HIPAA”) without disrupting decades of case law and precedent. In this blog post, we discuss the other sections of the white paper, namely proposals to protect other sources of health data not currently covered by HIPAA.

Continue Reading Senator Cassidy Issues White Paper with Proposals to Update Health Data Privacy Framework – Part 2: Safeguarding Health Data Not Covered by HIPAA 

On February 21, 2024, Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA), the Ranking Member of the U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (“HELP”) Committee, issued a white paper, “Strengthening Health Data Privacy for Americans: Addressing the Challenges of the Modern Era,” which proposes several updates to the privacy protections for health data. This follows Senator Cassidy’s September 2023 request for information from stakeholders about how to enhance health data privacy protections covered by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”) framework and to consider privacy protections for other sources of health data not currently covered by HIPAA. The white paper notes that several entities, including trade associations, hospitals, health technology companies, and think tanks, responded to the RFI.

Continue Reading Senator Cassidy Issues White Paper with Proposals to Update Health Data Privacy Framework – Part 1: Updates to the HIPAA Framework

On February 16, 2024, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) published a final rule to amend the Confidentiality of Substance Use Disorder (“SUD”) Patient Records regulations (“Part 2”) to more closely align Part 2 with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, as amended, and its implementing regulations (collectively, “HIPAA”) as required by Section 3221 of the 2020 Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”).  We previously covered the proposed rule (hereinafter, “the NPRM”), which was issued on December 2, 2022.

The final rule, issued through the Office for Civil Rights (“OCR”) and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (“SAMHSA”), increases alignment between certain Part 2 requirements and HIPAA and it clarifies certain existing Part 2 permissions and restrictions to improve the ability of entities to use and disclose Part 2 records. According to HHS, this final rule will decrease burdens on patients and providers, improve coordination of care and access to care and treatment, and protect the confidentiality of treatment records.

Continue Reading HHS Publishes Final Rule to Align Part 2 and HIPAA

On December 5, 2023, the Spanish presidency of the Council of the EU issued a declaration to strengthen collaboration with Member States and the European Commission to develop a leading quantum technology ecosystem in Europe.

The declaration acknowledges the revolutionary potential of quantum computing, which uses quantum mechanics principles and quantum bits known as “qubits” to solve complex mathematical problems exponentially faster than classical computers.

The declaration was launched with eight Member State signatories (Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, and Sweden), and invites other Member States to sign. By doing so, they agree to recognize the “strategic importance of quantum technologies for the scientific and industrial competitiveness of the EU” and commit to collaborating to make Europe the “’quantum valley’ of the world, the leading region globally for quantum excellence and innovation.

Continue Reading Quantum Computing: Action in the EU and Potential Impacts

Earlier today, the White House issued a Fact Sheet summarizing its Executive Order on a comprehensive strategy to support the development of safe and secure artificial intelligence (“AI”).  The Executive Order follows a number of actions by the Biden Administration on AI, including its Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights and voluntary commitments from certain developers of AI systems.  According to the Administration, the Executive Order establishes new AI safety and security standards, protects privacy, advances equity and civil rights, protects workers, consumers, and patients, promotes innovation and competition, and advances American leadership.  This blog post summarizes these key components.

  • Safety & Security StandardsThe Executive Order sets out several required actions for developers of AI systems.  Notably, the White House, “in accordance with the Defense Production Action,” will require companies developing any foundation model “that poses a serious risk to national security, national economic security, or national public health and safety” to notify the federal government when training the model and provide results of all red-team safety tests to the government. Relatedly, the Executive Order directs certain federal agencies to undertake the following actions and initiatives:
    • National Institute of Standards and Technology:  establish standards for red-teaming required before the public release of an AI system. 
    • Department of Homeland Security:  apply the NIST standards to use of AI in critical infrastructure sectors and establish an AI Safety and Security Board. 
    • Departments of Energy and Homeland Security:  address AI systems’ threats to critical infrastructure, as well as chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and cybersecurity risks; it also calls for the creation of standards for biological synthesis screening.
    • Department of Commerce:  develop guidance for content authentication and watermarking to label content generated by AI and received by the government; it also suggests that federal agencies would be required to use these tools.
    • National Security Council & White House Chief of Staff:  develop a National Security Memorandum that ensures that the United States military and intelligence community use AI safely, ethically, and effectively.
  • Privacy.  The Executive Order sets forth a number of requirements for the use of personal data for AI systems, including the prioritization of federal support for privacy-preserving techniques; strengthening privacy-preserving research and technologies (e.g., cryptographic tools); evaluating how agencies collect and use commercially available information containing personal data (including information procured from data brokers); and developing guidelines for federal agencies to evaluate the effectiveness of privacy-preserving techniques.
  • Equity and Civil RightsTo address concerns around equity and civil rights, the Executive Order sets forth a number of new requirements for documentation, coordination, and best practices.  Specifically, the Executive Order calls for clear guidance to landlords, Federal benefits programs, and Federal contractors to keep AI systems from being used to exacerbate discrimination.  The Executive Order also requires training, technical assistance, and coordination between the Department of Justice and Federal civil rights offices on best practices for investigating and prosecuting civil rights violations.  Additionally, the Executive Order calls for the creation of best practices on the use of AI in sentencing, parole, probation, and related topics for the criminal justice system.
  • Consumers, Patients, and StudentsRecognizing that AI can have unique impacts on consumers, patients, and students, the Executive Order directs agencies and certain sectors to engage in the following activities: 
    • Healthcare:  To help advance the responsible use of AI in healthcare and the life sciences sector, including for drug development, the Department of Health and Human Services must establish a safety program to receive reports of, and act to remedy, harms or unsafe AI healthcare practices (see our prior post about FDA’s thinking on the use of AI and digital health technologies in drug development here).
    • Education:  The Executive Order calls for the creation of resources to support educators deploying AI-enabled tools.
    • Workers:  After acknowledging that AI offers the promise of improved productivity, the Executive Order requires the development of principles and best practices to mitigate harms and maximize benefits for workers, including by addressing job displacement and guidance for evaluating job applications fairly.  It also requires the production of a report on AI’s potential labor-market impacts.
  • Innovation and Competition.  The Executive Order sets forth a number of priorities to ensure American leadership in AI innovation, such as the creation of a pilot of the National AI Research Resource, a tool that will provide AI researchers and students with key AI resources and data and grant programs.  The Executive Order also discusses updates to the immigration process for individuals with expertise in critical AI areas.  Importantly, the Executive Order directs the Federal Trade Commission to exercise its legal authority to encourage a competitive AI ecosystem.
  • Leadership on International Frameworks.  The Executive Order directs the State Department and Department of Commerce to lead an effort to establish international frameworks governing AI.  These efforts are intended to support and compliment the G-7 Hiroshima Process, the UK Summit on AI Safety, India’s leadership as Chair of the Global Partnership on AI, and ongoing discussions at the United Nations.
  • Government Use of AIThe Executive Order recognizes the potential for AI systems to drive better results in the delivery of government services to citizens and directs certain actions to ensure the responsible deployment of AI by government entities.  For example, it requires guidance for agencies’ use of AI, improvements to the process for government acquisition of AI, and the hiring of AI talent by governments.

We are continuing to review and digest the content of the Executive Order and expect to supplement this post with additional observations across our blogs.

On September 27, 2023, Governor Newsom signed AB 254 and AB 352, which both amend the California Confidentiality of Medical Information Act (“CMIA”).  Specifically, AB 254 expands the scope of the CMIA to expressly cover reproductive or sexual health services that are delivered through digital health solutions and the associated health information generated from these services.  AB 352 imposes new requirements on how electronic health record (“EHR”) systems must store medical information related to gender affirming care, abortion and related services, and contraception and the ability of providers of health care, health care service plans, contractors, or employers to disclose such information.

Continue Reading California Enacts Amendments to the CMIA